Southborough Cricket Club News story

Southborough CC - August Newsletter

19 Aug 2018

It doesn’t seem that long ago that we were making preparations for the coming season and yet here we are with four weekends left of cricket…so time for an update which I hope will of interest to you all. 

End of season run-in

The 1st XI has two league fixtures remaining and the 2nd XI only one, as it has a bye week the final week of the league season (1 September). If availability is good, we can always look to secure a fixture on 1 September, so that both sides have a game in advance of the end of league season curry which will take place at Imli (the old Weaver’s site).  Please contact Jamie Brown if you want to reserve a place at the curry (

We continue with friendly fixtures up until 15 September, with games as follows:

  • Sun 2 Sep vs. Leigh (H)
  • Sat 8 Sep vs. Old Leightonians (H)
  • Sun 9 Sep vs. Falconhurst (A)
  • Sat 15 Sep Presidents’ Day

Plans for Presidents’ Day are still to be finalised, but we’re looking at playing a Gentlemen vs. Players intra-club game with the over 35s at the Club making up the ‘Gentlemen’s’ side. Format might be 20/20, rather than 40/40 but details will come out nearer the time.  The aim is to get a number of our Life Vice-Presidents along for the afternoon to bring together everyone at the club.

In order to be considered for selection, please update your availability and make the most of the games on offer – it’s a long off season!!

Club Awards’ Dinner

We are just finalising the venue but we are looking to hold the event on Friday 12 October, so please keep that date free.  Further information will be provided shortly.

Cricket update

Availability has continued to be strong across most weekends of the summer – even the over-achievement of the England football team and the prospect of a Saturday quarter-final didn’t stop us getting out sides – with sides also being fielded for all of the planned Sunday fixtures (other than World Cup Final day).

Junior cricket has benefitted from the change of approach with the U11s moving to Saturdays morning along with the All Stars.  Such was the enthusiasm among the All Stars, their parents and the coaches, that we extended the programme by four weeks and had 20 sign ups.  We also managed to put an All Stars dad’s team into our Sponsors’ Day and they acquitted themselves well (and we’re working on getting them some Sunday games before the end of the season!!).

Sponsors’ Day

Early July saw us hold our annual Sponsors’ Day which again was well supported by our sponsors and locals and it was pleasing to see a better turn out from players helping out with the bar, BBQ, scoring and umpiring. Overall, unfortunately, our takings were down but it was a very hot day which seemed to impact on the casual drop-ins from the local community we are accustomed to seeing. We will be looking to issue a cheque shortly to this year’s charity, Hospice in the Weald so we are grateful for the support and money raised.

Volunteers required

Over the past 18-24 months, various roles on the Committee have become vacant and we have been covering them from within, however, this is not sustainable going forward particularly as we need to press ahead with our pavilion re-development project.

Here is a list of roles we need people within the club to take on, along with a brief description of what the role entails:

  • Treasurer - looks after the finances of the club. The treasurer must be well organised, able to keep records, careful when handling money and cheques, scrupulously honest, able to answer questions in meetings, confident handling figures, prepared to take instant decisions when necessary.
    • Benefits - include being able to contribute to a well-managed and governed club and to have the potential to grow and develop the club’s finances.
    • Commitment - approximately 1.5 hours per week, and attending meetings at weekends and evening.
    • Attendance - Committee meetings
  • Fundraising and Sponsorship Secretary – leads on raising funds for the Club additional to those generated through membership fees.Develop strong relationships with local sponsors
    • Benefits - include being able to contribute to a well-managed and governed club and to have the potential to grow and develop the club’s finances to allow for investment in facilities to benefit club members.
    • Commitment - approximately 4 hours a month but considerably more in the run up to a planned fundraising or social event
    • Attendance - Committee meetings
  • 150 Club co-ordinator – runs the 150 Club, promoting sales, verifying member payments each month and holding the draws.
    • Benefits - include being able to contribute to a well-managed and governed club and to have the potential to grow and develop the club’s finances to allow for investment in facilities to benefit club members.
    • Commitment - approximately 2 hours a month
    • Attendance - Committee meetings

If any of these roles interest you or you would like further details, please contact the Chairman ( or 07970 010863)

150 Club

Details of the recent winners of the 150 Club draws are as follows:

June – P. Thorne (21)

July – Richard Weller (145)