Southborough Cricket Club News pages

Available news items


02 Jul 2024
July 2024 Newsletter

Message from the Chair We’re now a few months into the season and into the full swing of cricket, so thought we would provide you an update on various matters (apologies in advance - it’s a long read!!). After the wet start to the year, the grounds ... [ Read more ]

19 Jan 2024
January 2024 Newsletter

Message from the Chair Having rounded out the season with a well organised and well attended Club Awards Dinner followed by (a less well attended) AGM, we closed out the previous season and started preparing for the coming one.  Last season, bot... [ Read more ]

03 Nov 2023
Recent 150 Club draws - winners

Recent winning draws of the 150 Club: July - Jamie Brown (101) August - Jane Dunn (91) September - Chris Holder (50) Next Draw will be at the dinner on 11 November, where there will also be the extra dinner draw. We have a number of squares available... [ Read more ]

07 Aug 2023
August 2023 Newsletter

August 2023 Newsletter Message from the Chair As we tip into August, we are very much heading to the business end of the season. Due to the worst of the weather in July, we have lost some senior league matches but both sides are placed well in their ... [ Read more ]

05 Jun 2023
June 2023 Newsletter

Message from the Chair  We’re now a month into the season and with the recent run of good weather, lots of cricket is being played across all the teams at the Club and the Common is a hive of activity, which is great to see.   On May Day, we again s... [ Read more ]

10 May 2020
Cricket during World War II (players)

Unlike during the Great War, cricket on Southborough Common continued with little interruption throughout the war years though there were clearly some effects. By the time of the 1942 season AGM, held in March ’43, 28 members of the Club were serving... [ Read more ]

05 Feb 2016
New SCC Facebook site - please 'like'

We have set up a Club Facebook page and are starting to use it to keep you updated on things relating to the Club, cricket and Southborough generally. To help generate interest in the new site, please pop over to it at Southborough CC Facebook and 'l... [ Read more ]