Chairman’s Message
We recently held our AGM, so thanks to those that attended and engaged in the conversations and also to those that sent their apologies. It would seem that scheduling the meeting 12 days before Christmas, on a Thursday during office party season, was not the best plan with ‘apologies’ at 15 just outnumbering the attendees – clearly we need to look at the date and schedule it better for next year. Saying that, there was a good turnout and some healthy discussions took place.
It's important to thank the committee for the work they have done for the club this past season with Peter Young singled out for continuing to hold the reins of the Treasurer post, even though he technically stood down at last year’s AGM.
Thanks also to the other committee members who stood down from their roles at this AGM.
Mike Dunn held the position of fixture secretary for 33 seasons and for 8 years was also the Club’s Chairman. We owe him an enormous debt of gratitude for his effort and selfless service to the club over the years.
Mark Jenkins has been the social secretary for the past two seasons and has organised the annual dinner and a memorable bbq around his house. He did a great job, but with the competing demands of a young family and work situation, cricket has had to take a back seat.
Jamie Brown took over the membership secretary role following an almost infamous AGM a few years back. Jamie did a sterling job of making sure that players’ subs were collected and we are in a much better place now thanks to his efforts.
Brian Hobden became the Southborough Colts section, synonymous with everything to do with our juniors. His legacy is the juniors that are coming through into senior cricket and we’re grateful for everything he has done for that section, quite often by himself and without his efforts junior cricket would have been in a perilous state. Brian continues to be our Child Welfare Officer and Groundsman, so won’t benefit from no longer having to attend committee meetings!!
There was some success in appointing some new officers, so we welcome:
Mark Harrison – Treasurer
Hassan Hadi – Fixture Secretary
Chris Williams – Junior Coordinator
James Rumbles – 150 Club Coordinator
Social Team – Alex Hibbitt, Jake Marsh & Alain Taylor
This leaves the posts of Membership Secretary and Fundraising & Sponsorship Secretary still vacant, so if anyone is interested and would like to have a conversation about the roles, please contact the Chairman.
There is much for the committee to take forward in 2019, but we are in a strong position with many of the posts filled. Here's hoping that you all have an enjoyable winter and we'll catch up as the days warm up, if not at indoor nets!!
Season Review
Firstly - lots to be positive about. The changes we looked to introduce, by and large, have been successful. Changing the time and venue of our senior indoor programme resulted in very good turn-outs. The move of All Stars cricket and the U11 programme to a Saturday morning allowed for more volunteers to help out, which greatly assisted in the running of sessions. U13s on a Tuesday evening worked ok but we need to make sure we have greater resilience to support it.
The First XI finished third in Division 2, just outside the promotion places and the Second XI also finished third, but this year in Division 6 meant we were promoted. Great effort from both sides. Also it was pleasing that we had many more Sunday games this year so we were able to offer more opportunities for cricket to our members.
Our membership payments were well handled and the introduction of the card reader and the efforts of the captains and others meant that we collected a healthy amount of subs and match fees. Help on Sponsors’ day during the day was better and the dinner was really well attended from the playing members with numbers at about 80, which was great to be part of.
Structurally we are better incorporating junior and senior cricket to be one club and we are well supported by local businesses and people.
Financially we made a slight surplus to strengthen our reserves so things are moving in a positive direction but there are sizeable challenges ahead so we must keep up our efforts. The main challenge on the horizon is the replacement of our existing pavilion and we will be starting some activities this year and would be grateful for support from members as we take this forward. As we start to establish what is required we will be looking to gauge our members knowledge, experience and expertise particularly in the disciplines of project management, fundraising and construction so if you have any of these skills, please do let us know.
Indoor Training programme
After the success of the venue last year, we return to Judd School. Some slight changes, due to things outside of our control, means that sessions now take place on a Monday evening and start from 28 January, running for 10 weeks, until 01 April. We have also decided to make changes to the U13/U15 indoor programme, so these age groups will now train alongside the seniors, though we have extended the booking for seniors from 19:00-20:30, with the juniors from 19:00-20:00.
For seniors, we will continue to charge £4 per session (£2 for student seniors) or an upfront payment of £30 (£15 for student seniors) for the 10 weeks. The U13s/U15s will receive coaching between 19:00 and 20:00 and the charge will be £50 for the 10 week programme.
Please note: Judd School has some construction works taking place with some instructions around gate entry and also parking spaces to be used, so once we have managed to get our heads round that, will update people on what’s required for those attending the net sessions.
Senior Cricket
We will shortly be adding the fixtures to the website, but we have the traditional two Saturday friendlies prior to the league programme and then one after it ends. The fixture secretary has been busy arranging Sunday fixtures and we have friendlies most Sundays of the season.
Junior Cricket
We are intending to remain in the Invicta League for U13 and U11 sides. There are various changes this season to these age groups as part of the research and trials conducted by the ECB, to increase player involvement. Chris Williams will be writing out to junior parents separately on the finer points of these changes.
We are also looking to introduce an U9 squad this year and will be entering them into the Mini Super 8s competition. We will be continuing to be an All Stars Centre and to run the Development Squad for U15’s to U18’s.
Volunteers Needed – opportunity to become trained as a coach
As we look to expand our junior section, we require more volunteers to help out. This year we have been successful in receiving funding from Kent County Council that will cover the cost of putting three volunteers through their coaching qualifications (each course costs £315). In exchange, applicants will be required to put £100 into the club account which will be reimbursed in two £50 payments at the end of the first and second cricket seasons in which they have been an integral part of the coaching set up
There are courses running during February (Canterbury), March (Canterbury) and May (Beckenham) and generally run over the course of three consecutive Saturdays from 10am to 4pm, followed by an assessment. There are further details at:
We will also be looking at Coach Support Worker, so if there are any parents out there that are interested in helping out, we’re happy to pay for it (course costs c. £65). Finally, we can always do with some more Activators for the All Stars programme.
If you are interested and can commit to becoming a member of our junior coaching team, please contact Chris Williams (
Winners over the past twelve months as follows:
January Peter Young (52)
February Mark Jenkins (99)
March Chris Pulsford (144)
April Kevin Matthews (7)
May Jon Pickett (10)
June P. Thorne (21)
July Richard Weller (145)
August Kevin Moore (150)
September Jamie Brown (101)
October Mike Dunn (38)
Dinner Draw Mike Dunn (11)
November Lance St. Clair (133)
December Jane Dunn (92)
We still have a number of squares available, so if you’re interested in playing, please contact James Rumbles ( £2 per month per square, winner’s cheque for £100 each draw. All proceeds made from this are re-invested into equipment for the club.