It's that time of year again, where we hold our main fundraising activity for the year to raise funds for the club and our local charity, which this year is the Meadows School Kitchen Project. Just a quick note to remind you that we really need your help to make it run smoothly, make sure everyone has a fun day and ensure that we raise a healthy amount of money particularly in light of the recent damage caused to the pavilion following the break-in the other week.
This year, our social team of Jake Marsh, Alex Hibbitt and Alain Taylor are organising the event and have been doing a great job making preparations for the big day. On the day we really need our members and supporters to turn up - it's a fun family event, so please do make every effort to come by, grab a beer and some food and if you have kids, let them jump on the bouncy castle. We are running an All Stars session between 11-12, so if you have little ones, or any friends with little ones (aged between 5-8) that want to join in, they are free to so so - the more the merrier.
Please do also take a turn to help out - be it flipping burgers, serving beers, selling raffle tickets, umpiring, scoring or just collecting litter!! There are lots of little jobs that need to be completed so please do help out. We've shortened the day this year and hope to start the final game at 5pm at the latest and are looking to kick off at 11am, so set-up will be at a more reasonable time than in previous years, with helpers needed up there from 8:00am.
This year we're hoping for a good turn-out from our local community and it would be really pleasing to see the vast majority of our playing members and also supporters spend some time up on the Common supporting this wonderful event.
Hope to see you all up there.