Outdoor training - update
Writing to say that we're pleased to announce that outdoor training for some age groups (U13s and seniors) will be starting from this weekend.
We are trying to establish what training can look like for Under 9s and as this develops will share information with parents.
Following the latest government announcement, the ECB has (finally) updated its guidance and we can now train in groups of up to six people (for U13s, this includes the coach). Some kind volunteers have moved the portable net over and set up the boundary netting and Brian will have prepared a practice pitch for the weekend, so we’ll be good to start!!
How will training work
We are looking to have a mixture of dedicated training sessions at specific times but will also allow bookings at other times (with certain conditions). The dedicated sessions will be:
· Thursday evenings (three 1h30 sessions from 16:00-20:30) for seniors and the Club will identify the individual fulfilling the Club Representative role.
· Tuesday evenings (three 1h15 sessions from 17:00-20:45) for U13s and in line with ECB coaching requirements, the sixth person in each group will be a coach from the Club (who will most likely also be the Club Representative).
Outside of those times seniors will be able to book 1h30 slots for the period of availability (slots available Wed-Sat 10:00-20:30, Sun 10:00-11:30), but you will be required to have someone identified to be the Representative of the Club and they will be entrusted with the role, so need to be suitable (add their name in the notes when you book, so we can send them the information).
The time slots have built in time to allow you to clean down the equipment at the end of the session, so please leave 10 minutes at the end to allow this and depart for the next group. For the free booking periods, you can book more than one session, but for the dedicated training, you will be limited to one booking per week.
Operational considerations
As you would expect, there are some controls that we need to have in place in response to the current situation. These relate to minimising the risk of spread through infection control, making people aware of conditions and holding information to support contact tracing if required and there are other requirements around first aid and having a representative of the club overseeing the sessions. Some of this feels quite bureaucratic, but it is necessary in order to stay in line with the guidance and the protection this affords us in relation to providing you with the safest experience.
Junior training will be delivered in accordance with all ECB requirements – the Club will provide a coach and additional adult as part of the safeguarding requirements and all players are expected to wear all correct protective equipment (helmet, gloves, battings pads and box) and you will be required to bring your own ball.
Booking system
To make sure there are no more than six people at a session and to help with potential contact tracing, we have gone with an online booking system. It's simple to sign up to and use and means that there should be no conflict with people turning up at the incorrect time. When booking, you will receive a confirmation which will detail the operating rules that you as a booker need to follow. The person fulfilling the role of the Club Representative will be provided with separate information pertaining to their responsibilities.
To register and access the booking system, please follow the following link: Southboroughcc Skedda Booking System
Use of the facilities
In order to use the facilities, you must be a playing member of the Club and in order to be a playing member of the Club you need to have paid your subs. As we are still unsure what the remainder of the season will look like, we will not be charging full subs but instead will require a reduced sub of £20 for seniors (£10 for students/concessions)*. For Under 13s, those that have paid for the indoor programme are junior playing members of the Club. If you need to make payment, please transfer money to the Club account, details below:
Bank: NatWest
Account Name: Southborough Cricket Club
Sort Code: 55-70-13
Account Number: 06706916
*(1) anyone who has already made a voluntary subs donation in excess of £20 will automatically be considered a member for the season and does not need to make any further payment at this point;
(2) should there be a point in the future at which the guidance from the government/ECB changes such that we are able to provide cricket matches in 2020 we will review the level of subs for the remainder of the season.
(3) as ever, we don't want to put people off being able to play due to their financial circumstances so if you want matters to be considered, please do contact the Chairman or the Treasurer
We will be reviewing these arrangements regularly to make sure that the system is working, that the controls are effective and that all playing members benefit from the current set up.
Also, please do follow the instructions – we don’t want to have to remove people’s right to use the facility, but reserve the right to do so where required.