As a Club, this is a scheme that we are really keen to support as it further develops our junior members beyond just playing the game, to provide them important life skills and to provide them opportunities to give something back through volunteering. It forms an integral part of the journey shown below and we're hopeful that a number of this years U15 group seizes the opportunity.
There's a summary below and the attachments provide a little more information. This year they've added a new 'Mental Toughness' module which examines mental resilience particularly in light of the very difficult conditions children have faced in the past year. They have also included a social media module. In previous years, the awards were at Lord's, but unsure where they are due to take place this year.
If you are interested or have any further questions, please contact the Junior Co-ordinator, Stefan Taylor. Please feel free to forward to anyone that may have been missed off that will be interested.
The Young Leaders in Cricket programme is a broad and interesting series of 5 modules which provide a blend of leadership and associated life skills to young people. These are all delivered before the start of the new season to get them ready to volunteer.
The Young Leader programme is aimed at 14-16year olds and is designed to give the young people the leadership and life skills to enable them to volunteer in their cricket clubs. Its purpose is to retain young people in the game and to bring the ethos of volunteering to them early in their contact with organised sport.
How can your club benefit from the programme? We provide your 14-16 year old juniors with the skills through 5 taught modules – Coaching/Officiating/Groundskeeping/First Aid/Fundraising. In return the Young Leader puts a minimum of 20 hours volunteering back into your club or their school. Invicta Cricket, a local cricket coaching company, which also runs our junior league also has opportunities for those completing the course to get some paid work helping them out with coaching or running matches and tournaments in the school holidays.
We are now into our 10th year and have created over 1200 young volunteers which has enabled clubs to increase their capacity for delivering cricket to more boys and girls by filling the roles such as umpiring and scoring junior matches, providing coaching assistance for junior sessions, helping to run All Stars, to name but a few.
The programme is run as a non profit enterprise by a group of committed volunteers who believe in empowering young people to volunteer in sport.