Southborough Cricket Club News story

Working Party this Saturday: further details

02 Apr 2014

The working party will be taking place this Saturday between 10am and 3pm. We have a number of things that we need to have completed and I woud imagine that with a good enough turn-out from the start on Saturday we should be able to get most of it done, avoiding the need for another working party the following Saturday. There has been talk of bacon sandwiches so hopefully that inspires people to come along and lend a hand.
From 1pm onwards there will be more of a focus on the social side of club matters and an opportunity to catch up with each other over some refreshments. The membership secretary will be there for people to pay their subscriptions at the reduced rate and there will be an opportunity for members to join the '100' club and to view items from the new club shop.  We are keen to make better use of the newly refurbished club room and to utilise the new kitchen facilities and this will be a useful test. Therefore, please invite wives/partners/girlfriends to this part of the day, though they are free to come and lend a hand in the earlier part of the day.

Please remember to bring along money to pay your subscriptions and to buy a square on the '100 Club'.  In terms of the work required, there is a lot of painting so some old clothes that you don't mind being ruined would be sensible.

Look forward to seeing you there on Saturday.
