Southborough Cricket Club News story

Sponsor's Day (6th July): your support is required

23 Jun 2014

This is a message to all senior members of the club:

A reminder that Sunday 6th July is the Sponsor's Day.  I know a recent e-mail went out to members asking for help to set up and run the day and thankfully a number of you have come forward so the day will be going ahead.  As with these things, we could always do with more help and the more people that can lend a hand the less burden there will be on those that have already committed.  As well as setting up (and clearing away) we also need people to help with umpiring, scoring and generally making sure the cricket side runs smoothly.  All assistance welcomed, even if it's just for an hour!!

However, as well as people making the time to help, we also need people to turn up to support the club and its sponsors.  This could be as simple as bringing your family to the day and spending your money on lunch and refreshments to increase the amount of money raised for charity and also for club funds.

Finally, I appreciate that everyone has other commitments - I myself have a six month old daughter - but people need to understand that clubs can't function without a strong social side.  Events such as these present the perfect opportunity to catch up with friends old and new so I would ask that you make all efforts to attend: clearly if you are holidaying abroad that's one thing, but if you are in the area, please do pop in.

I look forward to seeing you all up there and hope to catch up.

David Smith