Southborough Cricket Club News story

Working parties - 11th and 18th April from 10am

04 Apr 2015

The season is fast approaching, with the juniors starting outdoor training on Wednesday 22nd April and the first senior game at home vs. Pembury on the 25th.  It is therefore time to turn our attention to preparing the ground and the pavilion.  We have identified a number of tasks that need to be completed before the season starts.  These include:
  • moving the net over from Meadows School
  • painting the exterior of the pavilion
  • cleaning the pavilion
  • painting the changing rooms
  • helping Phil prepare the square
  • sweeping up the outfield of twigs and branches

Moving the net requires at least 10 people so please turn up at 10am next Saturday to help move this.  Your support is needed and I expect to see you attending at least one of the working parties.