Southborough Cricket Club News story

January 2022 Newsletter

04 Jan 2022

Message from the Chair

I hope everyone had a relaxing Christmas and a Happy New Year!! We’re now at the point in the calendar where we are closer to the coming season than the previous one, so a large part of your committee’s time is focused on making preparations: setting up indoor training programmes, reaching out to potential new sponsors, growing the playing membership at all age groups, arranging fixtures and budget setting are just some of the many standard activities that are being undertaken.

The AGM that was held in late November was a success with a decent turn-out, despite the best efforts of colds and Covid resulting in several apologies being sent. Well prepared summaries of the 2021 season were presented by the Chair, the Treasurer, the Captains and Junior Co-ordinator and there is much optimism coming into the new season.

As with last year, we filled all of the Committee roles.  The post holders are detailed below and I’m looking forward to further progress being made to drive the Club forward and safeguard cricket on the Common for future generations.

Just leaves me to say that I hope everyone keeps their spirits up – the lure of cricket as we move into spring and are able to spend more time outdoors, is a great comfort – continue to look after yourselves, your families and friends and you never know, we may still avoid a whitewash in the Ashes!!


Your Committee

President Mike Dunn

Chair David Smith

Treasurer Mark Harrison

Secretary Peter Riley

Fixtures Secretary Hassan Hadi

League Representative Ben Holt

Pavilion Manager Steve Smith

150 Club coordinator James Rumbles

1st XI Captain Tom Williams

2nd XI Captain Jamie Brown

Sunday Captain Hassan Hadi

Groundsman Jamie Brown

Club Welfare Officer Jessica Juon, Hamish Robertson

Membership Secretary Alex Juon

Social Secretary Alain Taylor

Junior co-ordinator Stefan Taylor

Sponsorship Secretary Richard Douglas


Moving on

Life Vice-President and former Club Captain, Kevin Matthews and his wife Jo are leaving the area, moving to Exeter to take on a new challenge. Kev was a regular top order first XI batsman known for being technically correct and always seem to have so much time when batting.  He also possesses an excellent cricket brain and was an astute captain, also happy to help and support others taking a lead. Kev was also an important part of our junior section for a few years, helping with the development of our current Under15s.  Jo has also been ever-present around the Club: a regular supporter at matches, known for her exceptional teas, always happy to attend social events and was really welcoming and supportive of any wives or girlfriends. Both will be missed though we will still see them as their boys, Josh and Jack are remaining local and will continue to play for the Club.


Indoor training

Training for Under 15s and Seniors starts from Monday 31 January at Judd School and runs for 12 weeks. We're finalising our programme for the Under 11s but intend to start on Friday 23 March 6-7pm (further details to follow) and the Under 13s team manager is in contact with that squad to organise their programme.

Under 15s training is 7.30-8.30

Senior training is 8.30-9.30

The Under 15 sessions are coach led and the cost is £60 for the whole 12 week programme

Senior training is £4 per session, or £40 for all 12 if paid upfront