Southborough Cricket Club News story

Countdown to the season - last big push

16 Apr 2014


With less than two weeks to go until the first game of the season, a friendly away at Pembury, I hope your minds are turning towards what could be a very successful season.  In order to improve our chances on the pitch it is imperative that players make an effort to attend training on Friday evenings.  These start from next Friday, the 25th April. There is also one final Sunday morning net at Holmewood House this weekend - if you haven't had chance to get any practice in thus far and are able to attend, please take this opportunity.

Through improved publicity of the club this winter we have attracted a number of new senior players who have keenly attended some of the net sessions. This will give us much needed strength in depth in the club and should introduce some much needed competition for places. In light of this, in order to improve your chances of selection, which will take place on the Monday night before the weekend games, you will need to update your availability in good time and attend training sessions where possible.

Finally, due to a poor turn-out of senior players at the second work party held last Saturday, we were not able to bring the mobile net over from Meadows School. This will need to be wheeled over prior to the first outdoor Friday night training session on the 26th. Please turn up for 6pm to give us time to wheel it over and still have a decent net. There is also some painting of the outside of the pavilion still required. If you are interested in helping please let me know and I can arrange access to the pavilion and equipment.

Here's to a summer of warm weather, entertaining cricket and good results all round for the club.



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