Anyone that has gone past the ground recently can see the amount of work Jamie Brown, Hassan Hadi and Mike Hobden have put in to prepare the playing surface and outfield. Now it's the turn of us playing members to pitch in and do our part to prepare the club for the coming season. Could I ask that you each make every effort to attend and help out your club in getting ready and making the best of our current facilities.
We are holding two work parties on Saturdays 9 and 23 April and are looking to complete the bulk of the activities on the first Saturday and can then finish off any loose ends prior to the intra-club T20 game on the 23rd.
In listing out what is needed and why, I'm hoping people can see that there are various things that need to be done with varying input required, so if you can only spare 30 minutes then you can still be a huge help to your Club.
Batting Cage - allowing seniors and juniors to train up on the Common
This needs to be wheeled over from Meadows School, and the net needs to be fitted ready for the season. Ideally this would be done first thing before the traffic builds up on the A26. Moving the net requires 6 to 8 people and setting up the net requires about 3 or 4 and can all be completed in 30 minutes.
Boundary Net - protects passing cars
The posts need to be dropped into place, the wire needs to be set up and the net affixed. 2 to 3 people can achieve this in about 30 minutes.
Pavilion (rear, sides and part of front) - to make it look its best and protect the wood
This needs to be re-stained as we have a bit of a two tone effect going on. We have tubs of Dark Oak wood stain and fence panel brushes. It could probably do with a few coats so this will be one of the longer tasks that may end up going over the two weekends to complete.
Pavilion (front) - to make it look it's most best and protect wood and brickwork finishes
White paint to the shutters and brick work as required. If anyone has a strimmer, we can tidy up the grass and then paint the bricks below the raised path area in front of the veranda. Again, might need more than one coat.
Outfield (under trees) - to make fielding conditions better (no-one wants to roll around on branches)
Need to rake up the small branches, twigs and other tree debris from under our two oak trees. We have rakes, leaf blower and wheelbarrows so with those tools should only take 1-2 hours.
Pavilion (inside) - to make the inside as inviting as possible
Although we deep cleaned the kitchen at the end of season, it will require another deep clean in advance of the season, as will the toilets and the shower area (the shower pump is due to be replaced on 9 April so access might be limited). The changing rooms and main rooms will also need a clean and might also need some paint touched up as been a few years since it was last done. Some replacement tiles need to be fitted to the shower room steps. With enough helpers, this could all be completed in about 3 hours, but work will be prioritised based on numbers available.
Pavilion (veranda) - to make it look neat and well ordered
Items tidied away, with loam stacked neatly in the groundsman's hut and general sweep out. Advertising banners also need to be washed down and bungees replaced as needed. With 3 or 4 people, all this should take no more than an hour.
Junior Kit - to make it easier for coaches for the coming season
We have accumulated a lot of junior kit, which will need to be sorted out into the various age group training bags and shared kit. With one or two helping Stefan T, this should take an hour.
Looking forward to a good turnout - David